
Il Consiglio Internazionale del Forum Sociale Mondiale, che comprende centinaia di associazioni di tutto il mondo, riunitosi oggi a Montreal  ha approvato all’unanimità la seguente dichiarazione contro il governo canadese che ha rifiutato i visti a oltre 250 attivisti del sud del mondo.

During the IC evaluation meeting of the XII edition of the World Social Forum held in Montreal from 9 to 14 august of 2016, the IC express its most vivid congratulations to the local organizing committee for the success of this edition of the WSF.
It however acknowledges the fact that the success was mitigated by some factors that affected negatively the international character of the WSF. Among there was the refusal by the Canadian Government of granting visas to many participants from the Global South.
It is not the first time that visas have been refused to participants in the WSF but it assumed in this case an unprecedented dimension.
The IC of the WSF denounces in the strongest terms the Canadian government for the repressive policy in this regard against the global south.
this policy is all the more shocking when contrasted with the access granted to the Canadian companies to exploit the natural resources of the global South always supported by the economic diplomacy of the Canadian government.

The organizations presented a this meeting
Montreal (Canada), 14 of august, 2016

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